Shree Trading Company

Business Type Manufacturer, Supplier, Retailer
Moisture (%) 5-7% max
Size 0 to 150mm Min
Al2O3 40-50% max
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2 To 3%

Shree Trading Company has been in Various Mineral & Metals business as a family concern since 1998. The Company has acquired 9 mining leases in various State of India as Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan & Karnataka, having total area of about 108 hectares, over & above 45 hectares being possessed in name of its associated company as well a fresh application for about 40 hectares to Govt. during 2000.


The Minerals used in Various Sector Like Refractory industries, Abrasives and Ceramics Industries, Steel Plant, Cement Plant, Aluminum Plant, and Alum Plant (Ferric & None Ferric).


Description: : Round Kiln calcined low alkali bauxite is ground in alumina lined ball mills using high density alumina grinding media.


Applications: : Raw material for use in high alumina and super duty refractory bricks and shapes, plastics, castables, mortors, gun mixes, ramming mixes, abrasive grains and other products.


Ceramic Ground Bauxite : Refractory grade calcined bauxite fines are ground in alumina lined ball mills using high alumina grinding media. This ensures extremely low magnetic iron levels in the fines. Refractory grade calcined bauxite ceramically ground fines are an excellent source of alumina for high alumina refractory formulations where no metallic iron reactions are important.

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Raw Bauxite Grades Available

Raw Bauxite Cement Grade Metal Grade Chemical Grade (For Alum Plant)
Al2O3 40-48% 45-50% max  
Fe2O3 10% min 8% min 55 TO 57%
SiO2 5-10% max 4% to 7% max 0 TO 5%
TiO2 3.5% max 3.5% max 6 TO 8%
CaO 2.5-3% 2% max 2 TO 3%
LOI 29% max 28-30% max 27 TO 28%
Moisture 5% max 5% max 0.07
Size 0 to 150mm Min 0 to 150mm Min 0 to 150mm Min

Calcined Bauxite Grades Available

  Rotary Kiln Shaft Kiln
Calcined Bauxite General Grade Low Ferric Abrasive Grade Scay Scay-H
Al2O3 85-86% 85-88% 85-87% 75-76% 77-80%
Fe2O3 3.6% max 2.5-2.6% max 4.0% max 4.5% max 4.5% max
SiO2 3.6% max 3.6% max 3.6% max 7.0% max 7.0% max
TiO2 4.6% max 4.6% max 4.8% max 4.5% max 4.5% max
CaO 2.2% max 2.2% max 1.2% max 2.6% max 2.6% max
MgO 0.3% max 0.3% max 0.25% max 0.3% max 0.3% max
LOI 0.4% max 0.4% max 0.8% max 1.6% max 0.9% max
Bulk Density gm/cc 36953 36953 2.6-2.8 2.6 to 2.75 2.85

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